Workshop d or t in the verbs

A real problem for the Dutch people, and sometimes also for those who are learning Dutch, are the verbs in their e-mails, letters, writing reports or quotes. It does not matter whether they are educated lower, higher or academic. The spelling control doesn’t recognize when it has to be a –d– or –t– at the end of the verb.

In this workshop IMG_20150910_132238you will learn when and why must be used -t-, -d-, -tt-, -dd-, -dt-. I will explain part of this process and right after that you complete an exercise to apply the part you have learned. Step by step we will go through this process.

A week after the training you will get another exercise by e-mail in which you will receive feedback after filling in and sending it back.

The workshop lasts for 2 ½ to 3 hours and can be completed individually or in groups (max. 6 persons).


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